Why religion?

I have been thinking a lot over the last few months about why people follow religions.

Some do it because they need a crutch. That to me is sad, but I understand it. But it renders it kind of meaningless, and it tells me that they are scared to face life head on. But that said, most of us have crutches of some kind.

Some people do it because its how they were raised. Terrible reason in my opinion. I think a person should only follow a belief system because its what they have truly sought out themselves. Personally I encourage my kids to make up their own minds on spiritual matters. Of course if they ask me a question I will tell them what I believe, but I am conscientious about telling them that it is simply my personal take on things and that they do not have to share that opinion.

Some people do it for power. Do I really need to say more about these people? Spirituality should never be about being better than others and being able to hold something over someone else.

Some do it out of fear. Actually I think a lot of people come to religion this way. Some maintain that fear and sense of guilt because their religion promotes it. It saddens and sickens me that this is the case. Religion should be about celebration and joy.

Some people come to religion for an answer, to find a deeper meaning

Some people come to religion for peace.

It is these last two I really want to touch on here.

In my experience turning to religion for an answer, to find a deeper meaning, and for peace are the most valid reasons to turn to it. But as of late I have discovered that there is a flaw to that as well. I have discovered it because these are the main reasons why I first turned to religion.

You see, first one has to know the questions they really want to ask to find an answer. I think a lot of people don’t. Most answers can be found in the world around us. Science is a great thing, psychology is a great thing. Many answers can be found there. Not all, but we can do well to clear up a lot of our questions my going to those sources to find answers.

Deeper meaning. Its wonderful that people want to go deeper. But I think we would all do ourselves a great favour on that level if we first understood and appreciated the shallow waters first. Learn to enjoy life, live it to its fullest. I don’t mean get hammered every night, do every drug you can do, sleep with every willing body, I mean learn to enjoy all the nuances of life. Because once we learn to really live, to really make the most of each day – then we are way more prepared for the deeper meaning. We go in more focused and with a much clearer vision of what we are looking for.

Which leads us to finding peace. To be honest I don’t think religion can give a person peace. I think each of us needs to find it within ourself first. There may be practices that one can pick up from religion that help with that, but the religion itself can’t do it for you. I think each person must build a good solid relationship with themselves. Its not an easy thing to do, but it can be done. My experience is that the honesty part is the biggest hurdle and the greatest achievement about this.

If life is oatmeal, then religion is brown sugar. It gives flavour, it makes the oatmeal so very much better! But first you have to make the oatmeal, take the time to stand at the stove and stir that pot.